OzmaFans Forum

Ozma Discussion => Ozma Discussion => Topic started by: antiuser on January 06, 2006, 01:52:02 PM

Title: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on January 06, 2006, 01:52:02 PM
Yeah, I know, I'm a n00b and nobody here knows me and all that... anyways, I thought it'd be a cool idea to have a protected area where people could post rare/live/unreleased ozma tracks and not have to go through yousendit (which expires after a set number of downloads or a set time). Since I had a few gigs free on my server, I went ahead and set it up at http://ozma.antiuser.org. The username is ozma and the password 14domino.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: oatmeal on January 06, 2006, 02:00:51 PM

awesome, thanks.

this takes some work but its there to if you wanna use it- http://www.ozmafans.com/forum/index.php/topic,1478.0.html 
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on January 06, 2006, 02:05:12 PM
Oh cool, I hadn't noticed that. Guess mine is kinda useless then... hehe
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: oatmeal on January 06, 2006, 02:08:06 PM
well before you would have to download a direct server and only a few people would do so, and you have to rely on people to get online. If you want more rare songs than just ozma use that becuase it still works good. But this fits the perpose of rare ozma songs is great, thanks.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: amish on January 06, 2006, 02:14:50 PM
OzmaFans also offers significant amounts of hosting for fairly cheap prices. If you would like to set up a repository, I think it's a good idea.

(I'd offer to do it, but I'm pretty busy trying to get married and all lately. I'd offer it for free, but we need to pay for this server :( )
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on January 06, 2006, 02:20:47 PM
Well, I set this up on my own server because I already had the space and bandwidth for it... so I'm already paying for it and don't mind. If anyone else wants to host it, I can share the source code (though I'm still sort of debugging it, took all of 5 minutes to write)...
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on January 06, 2006, 03:42:38 PM
Just fixed a bug that was killing new uploads... it should work now! Upload away!
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: I like ozma on January 07, 2006, 11:36:36 AM
i love you
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on January 07, 2006, 03:02:15 PM
That makes me feel awkward...
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: I like ozma on January 07, 2006, 03:14:33 PM
is that a good thing?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: butterfly on January 07, 2006, 07:36:38 PM
Quote from: antiuser on January 06, 2006, 01:52:02 PM
Yeah, I know, I'm a n00b and nobody here knows me and all that... anyways, I thought it'd be a cool idea to have a protected area where people could post rare/live/unreleased ozma tracks and not have to go through yousendit (which expires after a set number of downloads or a set time). Since I had a few gigs free on my server, I went ahead and set it up at http://ozma.antiuser.org. The username is ozma and the password shootingstars.

This is good! I've added japanese version of shibuya (acoustic)
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: k24 on January 08, 2006, 09:50:13 AM
this is good that you're sharing. i am glad i downloaded the really early stuff...but i'm afraid somewhere i have a different verison of Lately. I'm not saying i do, but i'm pretty sure this isnt the recording i've heard. i'll find the verison i have, and then edit my post.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: drew on January 08, 2006, 12:25:52 PM
i just put up all the db and the contraband i have, if anyone has any more of them- it would seriously rock if you could put them up there

this thing is so good! thanks a million for starting it!
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: butterfly on January 08, 2006, 06:31:40 PM
It'll be nice if anyone could upload all the contraband stuffs that they used to have on their website. I remember there are tons of live stuffs there. And some ozma bootlegs will be nice. Only that if it's possible to upload folders instead of just files cuz it's slowly looking messy.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on January 08, 2006, 08:05:26 PM
Yeah I'll try to code up some sort of folder structure.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: returnofdisco on January 08, 2006, 08:24:47 PM
I really really like this repository.  I agree, more contraband and live stuffs!!
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on January 08, 2006, 08:50:01 PM
I'm glad you guys like it. I just ask that you don't distribute the login/password info outside of this messageboard... according to my stats the server is putting out 500mb/day on average and that's cool, but if it spikes way beyond that I might have some trouble :)
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Indoor Fireworks on January 09, 2006, 09:14:05 AM
This is a great idea and I'm really glad you did it. Thanks! I just uploaded their cover of "Superstar" and the Odd Modern song "Tree On a Leaf"
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: bummedgear on January 09, 2006, 12:14:36 PM
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: amish on January 11, 2006, 05:27:14 AM
If it spikes beyond your limits we can pick up the slack or mirror it or something. We've got bazillions of GB of transfer and stuff.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: jvstin on January 11, 2006, 04:38:55 PM
anyone got daniel brummel's elvis costello cover (radio, radio)?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: brad on January 11, 2006, 04:48:22 PM
i have it (radio radio).Ã,  i'll post.

edit* - its up
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Sandguy on January 13, 2006, 05:09:56 PM
suminabitch! it timed out on me while i was trying to upload the vans warped tour video of their eponine performance.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on January 13, 2006, 06:10:54 PM
How large is the file? Right now the upload limit is 30 megs, but I can raise it.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: aqotgg on January 14, 2006, 08:27:46 AM
i'd love to see that warped video on there.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on January 14, 2006, 08:37:55 AM
I want it too! I need to know how big the file is, though, before I can raise the upload limit.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Zombie Don Ho on January 14, 2006, 09:24:18 AM
once you get some folders going on, I have an veritable assload of Brummel material i can upload.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Sandguy on January 14, 2006, 12:03:03 PM
the file was about 40-45 mb. somewhere around there. i'm not on my laptop, which has said video. but i'll get it up when school starts again. i have another live video where they do another warped tour when they had mary subbing for star playing korobeiniki.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on January 14, 2006, 01:05:51 PM
I'll increase the upload limit to 100mb. Thanks for letting me know!
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: OmniPaul on January 14, 2006, 10:41:07 PM
Can somebody upload some Monstro stuff please?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: butterfly on January 15, 2006, 01:22:38 AM
This thing is really slowly rockin'! I'm glad that everyone is sharing stuffs. Made my day when someone just uploaded stuffs from monstro...keep i goin' people! And do put up some of the old live bootlegs too...

BTW, i remember seeing a great live video when they have a different keyboardist. Anyone seen em yet?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Jeff42 on January 15, 2006, 07:46:45 PM
Thanks for setting this up, and thanks to everyone who has uploaded stuff.  I just ran into a problem, though.  The ampersands in the file names of the Monstro "Needles & Pins" tracks are preventing me from downloading those files.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: 8600 on January 15, 2006, 08:19:25 PM
Quote from: Jeff42 on January 15, 2006, 07:46:45 PM
Thanks for setting this up, and thanks to everyone who has uploaded stuff.Ã,  I just ran into a problem, though.Ã,  The ampersands in the file names of the Monstro "Needles & Pins" tracks are preventing me from downloading those files.

Well just download the ones WITHOUT the ampersands.  ;)
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on January 16, 2006, 02:58:32 AM
Quote from: Jeff42 on January 15, 2006, 07:46:45 PM
Thanks for setting this up, and thanks to everyone who has uploaded stuff.  I just ran into a problem, though.  The ampersands in the file names of the Monstro "Needles & Pins" tracks are preventing me from downloading those files.

Ah crap... I'm on it.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: amish on January 16, 2006, 07:57:03 AM
I just though I would mention that while this is a cool idea and all, we need to remember the band's wishes in terms of the music posted on there.

If media gets posted that the band is upset with, namely their albums and possibly even videos and bootlegs, I will be forced to remove any trace of this repository on the forum, and the band may ask that it be shut down as well.

Again, this isn't a threat -- just keep the band in mind!
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on January 16, 2006, 08:07:17 AM
I'm perfectly fine with that and will delete any files or shut it down if they don't want it. No worries.
Also, I just added a disclaimer to the main page saying no album tracks or material that is available for purchase should be uploaded... I started this mainly for outtakes/radio performances and such.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: drew on January 16, 2006, 12:57:58 PM
yeah i've been wondering for quite a while if the version of red roses i have up is the only one? it cuts off at the end, but still a really great song. anymore contraband by chance? i can't stop listening to what i am hearing so far. this stuff is outrageous. and thanks a million to everyone helping out w/ this!
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Jeff42 on January 16, 2006, 02:58:38 PM
Quote from: drew on January 16, 2006, 12:57:58 PM
yeah i've been wondering for quite a while if the version of red roses i have up is the only one? it cuts off at the end, but still a really great song. anymore contraband by chance? i can't stop listening to what i am hearing so far. this stuff is outrageous. and thanks a million to everyone helping out w/ this!
I just uploaded the version of Red Roses that I have ("13_red_roses.m4a").  That was actually the only Contraband song I had prior to the file repository being set up; I came across it mislabelled as an Ozma track.  I, too, am really digging all of the Contraband stuff.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: nick on January 17, 2006, 07:10:41 AM
i didn't see it there, so i'm uploading the old digivent acoustic show.  everyone should have that.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: returnofdisco on January 17, 2006, 09:02:10 AM
Somewhere I have video of Ozma doing what appears to be a live show to promote DDD.  It's held in a record store somewhere and they play everything from DDD.  Even Landing!  I believe I still have it on the computer at my mother's.  I'll post them shits when I go there again.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: The Other Mike on January 17, 2006, 09:51:02 AM
I had/have a bunch of those.  the performances were awesome, but the audio wasn't quite synched with the video in many places.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: butterfly on January 17, 2006, 02:21:19 PM
oh do post those videos up! and i'm still waiting for bootlegs from STOTB tour... still waiting
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Sandguy on January 17, 2006, 04:16:40 PM
sick 'em boys! the eponine video is up complete with ryan wearing a rock star wig!

as for the tetris video... it's on my external harddrive which isn't on me.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on January 17, 2006, 05:57:11 PM
Awesome. You rock!
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: jvstin on January 17, 2006, 07:15:55 PM
that was pretty bad ass
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: oatmeal on January 17, 2006, 09:13:27 PM
Quote from: antiuser on January 17, 2006, 05:57:11 PM
Awesome. You rock!
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: I like ozma on January 18, 2006, 09:55:25 AM
Quote from: oatmeal on January 17, 2006, 09:13:27 PM
Quote from: antiuser on January 17, 2006, 05:57:11 PM
Awesome. You rock!
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: malcolm on January 19, 2006, 12:07:55 PM
can someone upload more contraband? i'm obsessed
specifically a network to take care
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Sandguy on January 20, 2006, 07:14:23 AM
tetris performance is up. it only starts halfway through and the quality is kind of grainy.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: I like ozma on January 20, 2006, 10:30:19 AM
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: kittenburger on January 23, 2006, 09:27:15 AM
wow this is awesome
Title: Another From Sound Mind......
Post by: ozmaxxx on January 23, 2006, 11:12:10 PM
please upload some "sound mind" track.....i'm addict into it!!!
i only have track number 1-4...
My life is incomplete before i have it completed

Oh...i have ozma concert videos @ glasshouse (maybe..) with B quality anybody want some?
Title: Re: Another From Sound Mind......
Post by: jvstin on January 24, 2006, 11:12:31 AM
Quote from: ozmaxxx on January 23, 2006, 11:12:10 PM
please upload some "sound mind" track.....i'm addict into it!!!
i only have track number 1-4...
My life is incomplete before i have it completed

Oh...i have ozma concert videos @ glasshouse (maybe..) with B quality anybody want some?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: mattk on January 27, 2006, 06:34:58 AM
uploaded the linfied college show(video) by ozma. its about 30mb and is in rm format.
i did not format it like that its just how i got it and from what i know not too many people have the video.

Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: mattk on January 27, 2006, 06:38:32 AM
well i guess it wansnt allowed. so, maybe later
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on January 27, 2006, 09:55:09 AM
Ah, sorry - I didn't think anyone would upload realvideo files, so I didn't bother to include it in the allowed filetypes array. If you try again later (please do), it should work.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: gloom-glaam on January 28, 2006, 06:58:07 AM
antiuser, i believe I owe you a great deal of thanks
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Nordel on January 28, 2006, 12:24:25 PM
Is that star singing on Superstar?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on January 28, 2006, 02:01:50 PM
I'd think so.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Helpless Rock on January 28, 2006, 03:05:20 PM
Quote from: sandbaby on January 28, 2006, 12:24:25 PM
Is that star singing on Superstar?

Nope. That was Pat.

Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Jeff42 on January 28, 2006, 04:27:46 PM
Quote from: sandbaby on January 28, 2006, 12:24:25 PM
Is that star singing on Superstar?
She is quite the Super Star there, eh?  :heh:

Edit: That reminds me of this weird possible lyric misinterpretation for "Shootingstars" I thought up once: "Every night I see a shooting, Star."
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Kurtzie on January 28, 2006, 04:59:57 PM
Uploaded I've Got Your Melody: an old Brummel 50sec song.
Brummel - MarzoFunebreparaunaPrincess
An Eternal Flame Cover by Brummel
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Nordel on January 28, 2006, 05:00:28 PM
I wish they would write some material that featured her. I would like it if Jose sang a little more often, too.

Does anybody have any bootlegs of Immigration Song? Do they even play that song live? God, I'd love to hear that song live.

Title: Re: Another From Sound Mind......
Post by: jvstin on January 28, 2006, 05:09:14 PM
Quote from: ozmaxxx on January 23, 2006, 11:12:10 PM

Oh...i have ozma concert videos @ glasshouse (maybe..) with B quality anybody want some?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Kurtzie on January 28, 2006, 05:14:00 PM
Quote from: sandbaby on January 28, 2006, 05:00:28 PM
I wish they would write some material that featured her. I would like it if Jose sang a little more often, too.

Does anybody have any bootlegs of Immigration Song? Do they even play that song live? God, I'd love to hear that song live.

Ask and you shall receive.

Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Nordel on January 28, 2006, 06:00:37 PM
Thank you so much Kurtzie.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Nordel on January 28, 2006, 06:14:14 PM
I hate to get greedy, but does anybody have the Daniel Brummel cover of "Lady in Red"?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: 8600 on January 28, 2006, 07:46:40 PM
Quote from: sandbaby on January 28, 2006, 06:14:14 PM
I hate to get greedy, but does anybody have the Daniel Brummel cover of "Lady in Red"?

yes. uploading.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: I like ozma on January 29, 2006, 11:04:52 AM
does anybody have ozma's "with arms wide open", wait wrong band
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: ozmaxxx on January 30, 2006, 03:26:33 AM

i have this video....wanna?
i'm still working on it..so be patient
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: jvstin on January 30, 2006, 12:24:09 PM
Quote from: ozmaxxx on January 30, 2006, 03:26:33 AM

i have this video....wanna?
i'm still working on it..so be patient

dude, yes. don't even ask
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: ozmaxxx on January 30, 2006, 06:19:28 PM
Quote from: Kurtzie on January 28, 2006, 04:59:57 PM
Uploaded I've Got Your Melody and old Brummel 50sec song.
Brummel - MarzoFunebreparaunaPrincess
An Eternal Flame Cover by Brummel

Why i can't download brummel 50sec song????
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Kurtzie on January 30, 2006, 06:22:04 PM
b/c i can't spell and I put "and" instead of "an"
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on January 30, 2006, 10:38:33 PM
I forgot to stripslashes() and now the apostrophe is fucking it up. I can't delete it either :(
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: heyitsjonas on January 31, 2006, 09:05:43 AM
Hey, i noticed some people looking for dan's covers, so i'm just gonna upload that whole show he did on kuci, it's good stuff....
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: oatmeal on January 31, 2006, 02:25:25 PM
Quote from: I like ozma on January 29, 2006, 11:04:52 AM
does anybody have ozma's "with arms wide open", wait wrong band
Im uploading it right now.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: ozmaxxx on February 02, 2006, 10:13:50 PM
rocks video is uploaded......
5 video remains....
so be patient.. ;)
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: jvstin on February 02, 2006, 11:05:51 PM
Quote from: ozmaxxx on February 02, 2006, 10:13:50 PM
rocks video is uploaded......
5 video remains....
so be patient.. ;)
thank you and godspeed  ;D
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on February 02, 2006, 11:51:02 PM
I'm amazed that:

1. My server has withstood putting out nearly a gig a day.
2. I haven't been hassled by my host admins for having the most traffic out of the shared box
3. I haven't been hassled by my host admins for hosting a music trading server (though I think the fact that it's restricted access and non-commercial material helps)
4. You guys have made it more awesome than I could ever have imagined.

I'll drink to that.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on February 02, 2006, 11:54:57 PM
Also, I apologise for the lack of any sort of directory structure - I swear I'm working on it, but I just got a new job and it's been kinda hectic... but it's coming, promise!
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Not Jason on February 03, 2006, 03:39:55 AM
Quote from: returnofdisco on January 17, 2006, 09:02:10 AM
Somewhere I have video of Ozma doing what appears to be a live show to promote DDD.Ã,  It's held in a record store somewhere and they play everything from DDD.Ã,  Even Landing!Ã,  I believe I still have it on the computer at my mother's.Ã,  I'll post them shits when I go there again.

Landing was a pretty heavily played song.  Not really anything to freak out about seeing on a set list.

Anyway.  In response to Amish:  I can't imagine Ozma would get upset about this.  They've always been pretty pro about bootlegging and show trading in this manner.  Anyway.  I haven't checked up the repository yet.  I don't know if everything I have is posted or not yet, but I'm really hesitant to do it with the lack of a directory system.  I'm pretty uptight about files seperated from a complete album or show.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Wake Up on February 05, 2006, 08:14:12 PM
Can someone give me some more information on this Father Frost song by Kenn? I think it's Samuel! Is it just him? Or was this from a previous band? By the sounds of things, I'll miss Pat A LOT but this guy has loads of talent as well! Any info is appreciated!
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on February 10, 2006, 01:41:14 PM
Someone ended up posting the login/password info for the repository on another (open) message board, so I've changed the password.

The login info is now:
username: ozma
password: 14domino

Again, please do not post the link and the login info anywhere else. The repository is not supposed to be an "open-for-everyone" deal - that can get me in trouble with my host. Please keep it within OFF only.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: butterfly on February 13, 2006, 05:47:14 AM
looks like now one is posting up anymore ozma stuffs i suppose...
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: ozmaxxx on February 13, 2006, 09:52:01 PM
i've add korobeiniki live video, enjoy (4 video remains)

please gimme daniel brummel - burt bacharach cover song....(soalna nu didinya teu bisa..) DAMN!!
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: diditdwi on February 13, 2006, 11:49:00 PM
Quote from: ozmaxxx on February 13, 2006, 09:52:01 PM
i've add korobeiniki live video, enjoy (4 video remains)

WOW!!!hot stuff man!!gimme more!
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Ozmawesome on February 14, 2006, 04:58:09 PM
I don't know if there's a problem with this or not, but if possible someone should totally upload the old commuter music tracks.  And the 2/22/01 show (when they played with The Get Up Kids and weezer).  That'd be awesome.

P.S. Happy Valentine's Day.  ;)
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Nordel on February 16, 2006, 08:51:02 PM
damnit! im getting impatient waiting for the rest of those videos. gimmy gimmy. i need i need.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Fantastic Max on February 17, 2006, 01:14:19 AM
Quote from: sandbaby on January 28, 2006, 05:00:28 PM
I wish they would write some material that featured her. I would like it if Jose sang a little more often, too.

Does anybody have any bootlegs of Immigration Song? Do they even play that song live? God, I'd love to hear that song live.

I remember the day I realized Jose sang Immigration song..I was like "Holy Shit..that's not Ryen/Dan..that's Jose" Haha. And then I realized a lot of backup vocals in songs that sound kinda girly, are him..Funny stuff.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: ozmaxxx on February 21, 2006, 07:13:30 PM
Turtleneck Coverup ----> Uploaded!!! (3 video remains)

I give u all another bonus : Jose Galvez plays weezer song !! I got it from weerez.com
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Fantastic Max on February 23, 2006, 11:37:08 PM
Quote from: ozmaxxx on January 30, 2006, 03:26:33 AM

i have this video....wanna?
i'm still working on it..so be patient

Yeah, that show's videos were all posted on the old OzmaFans website, by some guy name Dante or something like that, as I recall.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Fantastic Max on February 23, 2006, 11:42:23 PM
Quote from: antiuser on January 08, 2006, 08:05:26 PM
Yeah I'll try to code up some sort of folder structure.
I really wish that would happen sometime soon, because we all know Jason has the motherload, haha.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Nordel on February 25, 2006, 07:15:21 PM
Hey, thanks again for those videos.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: ozmaxxx on March 09, 2006, 09:04:56 PM
finally all videos uploaded
but i'm not sure about 2 last videos..
tell me if its not works!!

I'm sorry if i'm too slow, because my internet is not too fast
yup..but it finished

thanks for the original uploader...
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Not Jason on March 16, 2006, 01:43:54 PM
Quote from: ozmacity on February 23, 2006, 11:42:23 PM
Quote from: antiuser on January 08, 2006, 08:05:26 PM
Yeah I'll try to code up some sort of folder structure.
I really wish that would happen sometime soon, because we all know Jason has the motherload, haha.

Yeah, I have almost every pre-reunion surfaced bootleg that I know of... maybe i'll work out a way to post them without a folder structure.  I'll see what I can do.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Not Jason on March 16, 2006, 01:49:13 PM
I wish there was some kind of naming standard for this thing.  It's kind of hectic right now.

maybe like:

Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: oatmeal on March 16, 2006, 03:24:18 PM
Quote from: Not Jason on March 16, 2006, 01:43:54 PM
Quote from: ozmacity on February 23, 2006, 11:42:23 PM
Quote from: antiuser on January 08, 2006, 08:05:26 PM
Yeah I'll try to code up some sort of folder structure.
I really wish that would happen sometime soon, because we all know Jason has the motherload, haha.

Yeah, I have almost every pre-reunion surfaced bootleg that I know of... maybe i'll work out a way to post them without a folder structure.Ã,  I'll see what I can do.

Do you have their last show with Roonie and Stray Light Run at the wiltern? The one before they broke up. That is one I went to.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: I like ozma on March 16, 2006, 08:14:28 PM
i thought you said ronnie
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Nordel on March 17, 2006, 04:04:01 AM
Quote from: Not Jason on March 16, 2006, 01:49:13 PM
I wish there was some kind of naming standard for this thing.  It's kind of hectic right now.

maybe like:


Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on March 17, 2006, 10:00:45 AM
I'll get to it, I promise... but right now I'm trying to focus on getting a job...
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Fantastic Max on March 18, 2006, 01:43:45 AM
Quote from: oatmeal on March 16, 2006, 03:24:18 PM
Quote from: Not Jason on March 16, 2006, 01:43:54 PM
Quote from: ozmacity on February 23, 2006, 11:42:23 PM
Quote from: antiuser on January 08, 2006, 08:05:26 PM
Yeah I'll try to code up some sort of folder structure.
I really wish that would happen sometime soon, because we all know Jason has the motherload, haha.

Yeah, I have almost every pre-reunion surfaced bootleg that I know of... maybe i'll work out a way to post them without a folder structure.Ã,  I'll see what I can do.

Do you have their last show with Roonie and Stray Light Run at the wiltern? The one before they broke up. That is one I went to.
I have like a little video clip from the Wiltern show..beginning of Domino Effect.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: claydarcy on March 18, 2006, 05:00:06 AM
Can't you just put them in a winrar file?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: gloom-glaam on March 18, 2006, 06:51:53 AM
take off give me the end its an album track
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: oatmeal on March 18, 2006, 09:57:06 AM
Quote from: ozmacity on March 18, 2006, 01:43:45 AM
Quote from: oatmeal on March 16, 2006, 03:24:18 PM
Quote from: Not Jason on March 16, 2006, 01:43:54 PM
Quote from: ozmacity on February 23, 2006, 11:42:23 PM
Quote from: antiuser on January 08, 2006, 08:05:26 PM
Yeah I'll try to code up some sort of folder structure.
I really wish that would happen sometime soon, because we all know Jason has the motherload, haha.

Yeah, I have almost every pre-reunion surfaced bootleg that I know of... maybe i'll work out a way to post them without a folder structure.  I'll see what I can do.

Do you have their last show with Roonie and Stray Light Run at the wiltern? The one before they broke up. That is one I went to.
I have like a little video clip from the Wiltern show..beginning of Domino Effect.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on March 19, 2006, 12:18:42 AM
So, if all goes right, by tomorrow, the repository will have folder support. I'm working on it as we speak.

I'm also sort of drunk, so if anything breaks, you know why.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: k24 on March 19, 2006, 09:08:05 AM
anybody interested in Daniel Brummel's high school string quartet composition? I have three movements of that and the Trio for Flute, Viola & Harp
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: oatmeal on March 19, 2006, 10:41:41 AM
Quote from: k24 on March 19, 2006, 09:08:05 AM
anybody interested in Daniel Brummel's high school string quartet composition? I have three movements of that and the Trio for Flute, Viola & Harp

sounds awesome
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: itsosimpo on March 19, 2006, 12:08:13 PM
wow this is great...i'll try not to be logged in forevurh
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Nordel on March 20, 2006, 01:50:21 PM
i just listened to the acoustic surf the intensity. way cool.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Jeff42 on March 20, 2006, 02:33:50 PM
Quote from: sandbaby on March 20, 2006, 01:50:21 PM
i just listened to the acoustic surf the intensity. way cool.
It's been on Yes Dear's website for a long time.  Check out http://www.yesdearmusic.com/music/ in case you're missing anything else.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: k24 on March 22, 2006, 04:45:09 AM
Quote from: oatmeal on March 19, 2006, 10:41:41 AM
Quote from: k24 on March 19, 2006, 09:08:05 AM
anybody interested in Daniel Brummel's high school string quartet composition? I have three movements of that and the Trio for Flute, Viola & Harp

sounds awesome

Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: itsosimpo on March 27, 2006, 11:04:16 PM
hey could someone please upload los angeles pretty please
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: 8600 on March 27, 2006, 11:14:45 PM
Quote from: itsosimpo on March 27, 2006, 11:04:16 PM
hey could someone please upload los angeles pretty please


(edit: it's on it's way... it's large so check back in a few minutes)
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: itsosimpo on March 27, 2006, 11:18:25 PM
Quote from: <3 Satisfaction <3 on March 27, 2006, 11:14:45 PM
Quote from: itsosimpo on March 27, 2006, 11:04:16 PM
hey could someone please upload los angeles pretty please


(edit: it's on it's way... it's large so check back in a few minutes)

why are you so nice to me what do you want stop it!
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: itsosimpo on March 27, 2006, 11:18:56 PM
Quote from: itsosimpo on March 27, 2006, 11:18:25 PM
Quote from: <3 Satisfaction <3 on March 27, 2006, 11:14:45 PM
Quote from: itsosimpo on March 27, 2006, 11:04:16 PM
hey could someone please upload los angeles pretty please


(edit: it's on it's way... it's large so check back in a few minutes)

why are you so nice to me what do you want stop it!

just kidding mega thanks
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: 8600 on March 27, 2006, 11:23:14 PM
Quote from: itsosimpo on March 27, 2006, 11:18:56 PM
Quote from: itsosimpo on March 27, 2006, 11:18:25 PM
Quote from: <3 Satisfaction <3 on March 27, 2006, 11:14:45 PM
Quote from: itsosimpo on March 27, 2006, 11:04:16 PM
hey could someone please upload los angeles pretty please


(edit: it's on it's way... it's large so check back in a few minutes)

why are you so nice to me what do you want stop it!

just kidding mega thanks

You've opened the floodgates of my mega-niceness.   YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CLOSE THEM.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: itsosimpo on March 27, 2006, 11:26:23 PM
wonderful then i will build my damn of kindness to ensure that i don't take advantage of it
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Jeff42 on April 15, 2006, 01:01:36 PM
The download link for "I've Got Your Melody Under My Fingers" doesn't work, probably because there is a \ in the filename.

Also, does anyone have "Martinelli's" by Daniel Brummel and the Contraband that they could upload?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Indoor Fireworks on April 15, 2006, 08:43:54 PM
If its possible, could someone upload the DB and the Contraband performance from KUCI? I have it burned to a CD, but the CD is really old and some of the songs skip. I'd love to be able to listen to that performance again. Also, if anyone has "As You Wish," please upload it for everyone to enjoy!
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: gloom-glaam on April 16, 2006, 02:01:29 PM
well could you rip and upload as much of yours works?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: tis not mike other on April 16, 2006, 10:12:56 PM
Quote from: Indoor Fireworks on April 15, 2006, 08:43:54 PM
If its possible, could someone upload the DB and the Contraband performance from KUCI? I have it burned to a CD, but the CD is really old and some of the songs skip. I'd love to be able to listen to that performance again. Also, if anyone has "As You Wish," please upload it for everyone to enjoy!

uploading As You Wish. Haha double meaning. HEY DID ANYONE POST THAT THE NEW REUNION MARCH 12TH SHOW IS UPOALED??? well it is.Ã, 

EDIT: as you wish is now added now I am adding alias_to_the_trashcan.mp3 and maybee someothers if I have some others that the respitory does not have.

PS:thanks for that new song Bob.(I think your the one who posted it, anways the one who recorded it). The song is awesome good live quality.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: ace on April 18, 2006, 02:01:10 PM
anybody happen to have the album art for contraband and monstro?  i'm a bit of an ipod perfectionist and it'd be nice to have it...thanks.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: tis not mike other on April 18, 2006, 02:42:01 PM
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Nordel on April 18, 2006, 04:41:27 PM
As You Wish would be a perfect Ozma song. I wonder why DB never did anything with it.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: tis not mike other on April 18, 2006, 04:44:27 PM
probally becuase he did not write it for him to play bass
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: k24 on April 18, 2006, 06:44:42 PM
Quote from: oatmeal on April 16, 2006, 10:12:56 PM

i dont see it.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: jvstin on April 18, 2006, 07:34:49 PM
i see the new song but nothing else
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: butterfly on April 19, 2006, 06:29:13 AM
what new song? i see no new song
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Nordel on April 19, 2006, 08:14:18 PM
Yeah. He does do a really cool little jazz guitar solo at the beginning.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: tis not mike other on April 19, 2006, 08:47:31 PM
Quote from: butterfly on April 19, 2006, 06:29:13 AM
what new song? i see no new song


thats what its names. Go edit then find or search and put: new song
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: tis not mike other on April 19, 2006, 09:24:46 PM
----Ozma - march 12th new song:

-----Daniel Brummel and theContraband - alias to the trashcan:
-----Daniel Brummel and the Contraband - as you wish:

There, Now its easy to find them.  8)
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Andy on May 02, 2006, 12:52:22 PM
MAN, what the hell.
How do I get in?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: amish on May 03, 2006, 06:06:51 AM
read the top of this thread :D
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Andy on May 03, 2006, 10:28:56 AM
Quote from: amish on May 03, 2006, 06:06:51 AM
read the top of this thread :D
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Andy on May 03, 2006, 10:35:14 AM
whoa, what is this?


Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: amish on May 03, 2006, 10:46:59 AM
read the threads in this forum titled with those names... (except uptown, I dunno what that is...)

short answer on the other three: side project of sorts

I think your </noob> belongs down here somewhere :D
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Fantastic Max on May 03, 2006, 10:36:13 PM
Quote from: Andy on May 03, 2006, 10:35:14 AM
whoa, what is this?


First 3 are a side project of Ryen and Kenn's. Crazy, but cool stuff.

Uptown, someone said..is an Ozma demo...but it's format in the repository leads me to believe it's Kenn and Ryen's songs.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: gloom-glaam on May 04, 2006, 04:47:37 AM
what are m4as played with?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Jeff42 on May 04, 2006, 08:50:56 AM
Quote from: ozmacity on May 03, 2006, 10:36:13 PM
Uptown, someone said..is an Ozma demo...but it's format in the repository leads me to believe it's Kenn and Ryen's songs.
Yeah, you could be right about this, but who knows.  The first three Kenn and Ryen songs have comments on the files indicating they were written and recorded by Kenn and Ryen while this one doesn't have any comments included.
Quote from: CantelopeSkiz on May 04, 2006, 04:47:37 AM
what are m4as played with?
I know iTunes works.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: amish on May 04, 2006, 09:34:51 AM
anything can play an m4a assuming you have codecs installed..

Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: FireAarro on May 04, 2006, 05:33:10 PM
Quote from: Jeff42 on May 04, 2006, 08:50:56 AM
Quote from: ozmacity on May 03, 2006, 10:36:13 PM
Uptown, someone said..is an Ozma demo...but it's format in the repository leads me to believe it's Kenn and Ryen's songs.
Yeah, you could be right about this, but who knows.  The first three Kenn and Ryen songs have comments on the files indicating they were written and recorded by Kenn and Ryen while this one doesn't have any comments included.

Well on my computer the artist shows up as "Ozma" and the album as "demo", so I'm guessing it's an Ozma demo.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Rome on May 06, 2006, 01:47:48 AM
Quote from: FireAarro on May 04, 2006, 05:33:10 PM
Well on my computer the artist shows up as "Ozma" and the album as "demo", so I'm guessing it's an Ozma demo.

hmmm... interesting conclusion.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Kyosho on May 06, 2006, 03:03:44 PM
What the hell... maybe this has been posted about before and I missed it.. but.. seriously what the fuck.



Edit: Wait, the live one is made from Bob's boot. Maybe he made them. They just seem to be Battlecars sped up. But..somehow.. I like them.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: tis not mike other on May 06, 2006, 03:06:55 PM
Quote from: FireAarro on May 04, 2006, 05:33:10 PM
Quote from: Jeff42 on May 04, 2006, 08:50:56 AM
Quote from: ozmacity on May 03, 2006, 10:36:13 PM
Uptown, someone said..is an Ozma demo...but it's format in the repository leads me to believe it's Kenn and Ryen's songs.
Yeah, you could be right about this, but who knows.Ã,  The first three Kenn and Ryen songs have comments on the files indicating they were written and recorded by Kenn and Ryen while this one doesn't have any comments included.

Well on my computer the artist shows up as "Ozma" and the album as "demo", so I'm guessing it's an Ozma demo.
The Ken Shane and Ryen songs say Ozma aslo. Who knows though.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: tom on May 06, 2006, 08:36:21 PM
haha those 2x speed songs are great...especially the live ones where the crowd screams.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: hipsun on May 06, 2006, 09:31:18 PM
Quote from: oatmeal on May 06, 2006, 03:06:55 PM
Quote from: FireAarro on May 04, 2006, 05:33:10 PM
Quote from: Jeff42 on May 04, 2006, 08:50:56 AM
Quote from: ozmacity on May 03, 2006, 10:36:13 PM
Uptown, someone said..is an Ozma demo...but it's format in the repository leads me to believe it's Kenn and Ryen's songs.
Yeah, you could be right about this, but who knows.  The first three Kenn and Ryen songs have comments on the files indicating they were written and recorded by Kenn and Ryen while this one doesn't have any comments included.

Well on my computer the artist shows up as "Ozma" and the album as "demo", so I'm guessing it's an Ozma demo.
The Ken Shane and Ryen songs say Ozma aslo. Who knows though.
it's an ozma demo written by ryen. kenn on drums, dan on bass, ryen on guitar, keyboards half played and half programmed by kenn, ryen and some other guy. how do i know? i dunno but i do. this song might be getting left behind. i do not know for sure.

the kenn ryen songs are apparently now under the moniker "digital seagull". they might change their mind. uptown is for sure not a digital seagull song.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: kitten on May 06, 2006, 10:19:56 PM
are you the "some other guy," or are you just trying to be mysterious?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Bob511 on May 11, 2006, 03:38:09 PM
Quote from: Kyosho on May 06, 2006, 03:03:44 PM
Edit: Wait, the live one is made from Bob's boot. Maybe he made them.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Kyosho on May 11, 2006, 10:04:10 PM
I'll take that as a no then.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: amish on May 31, 2006, 07:34:01 AM
If the link on ozmaonline.com kills antiuser, we can either try and set you up with an ozmafans account, or ask them to remove it (since it was never supposed to be public knowledge anyways... hence the username and password)

Let me know and I can try and help you.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: heyfloyd73 on May 31, 2006, 08:04:14 PM
if anyone has a copy of 'The Ozma Song', please upload it, i've never heard it before

and thanks antiuser, this is a great idea to set this up
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on May 31, 2006, 11:07:04 PM
My server seems to be holding up fine so far... my host just upped my monthly bandwidth allowance from 70gb to 400gb and the repository has been putting out an average of 20gb/month, so I think I'll be fine.

I apologise for not working as much as I wished I could on the version with folders - I do web design/dev for a living so most of the time, the last thing I want to do when I get home is deal with php. I really can't say when I'll have it done, but hopefully it'll be soon.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Nordel on June 01, 2006, 10:08:28 AM
Thanks again man. You're great for doing it.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: imatreeandurnot on June 24, 2006, 02:23:23 PM
Thanks for everything :)
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: gloom-glaam on June 25, 2006, 04:57:16 PM
if anyone one has a non live version of D-song please add it
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: dflat on June 25, 2006, 05:53:55 PM
does anyone have the old game over demo??? if so i lost it a loong time ago, but would appreciate it if someone could post it.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Chester Copperpot on June 28, 2006, 11:11:27 PM
Quote from: dflat on June 25, 2006, 05:53:55 PM
does anyone have the old game over demo??? if so i lost it a loong time ago, but would appreciate it if someone could post it.

ozma_-_gameover_(acoustic).mp3 <--- isn't that what you're looking for?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on June 29, 2006, 02:17:43 AM
Quote from: Chester Copperpot on June 28, 2006, 11:11:27 PM
ozma_-_gameover_(acoustic).mp3 <--- isn't that what you're looking for?

I think that's the one from digevent.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Chester Copperpot on June 29, 2006, 10:19:41 AM
Quote from: antiuser on June 29, 2006, 02:17:43 AM
Quote from: Chester Copperpot on June 28, 2006, 11:11:27 PM
ozma_-_gameover_(acoustic).mp3 <--- isn't that what you're looking for?

I think that's the one from digevent.

I tested it, ozma_-_gameover_(acoustic).mp3 is that acoustic demo of the song done a billion years ago.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on July 06, 2006, 10:39:34 PM
Quote from: Chester Copperpot on June 29, 2006, 10:19:41 AM
Quote from: antiuser on June 29, 2006, 02:17:43 AM
Quote from: Chester Copperpot on June 28, 2006, 11:11:27 PM
ozma_-_gameover_(acoustic).mp3 <--- isn't that what you're looking for?

I think that's the one from digevent.

I tested it, ozma_-_gameover_(acoustic).mp3 is that acoustic demo of the song done a billion years ago.

Hm, it's identical to the one tagged as Digevent...
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: itsosimpo on July 09, 2006, 04:48:33 PM
you're too good to me.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: theworkersaregoinghome on August 07, 2006, 08:23:28 PM
Thank you so much for doing this, antiuser...good times.  I'll see if I can dig up some tunes.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: OmniPaul on August 10, 2006, 12:23:36 PM
Can somebody upload I've Got Your Melody Under My Fingers and Martinelli's without the apostrophes? It messes up the download.

Edit: And also Red Roses because it cuts off at two minutes.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: gloom-glaam on August 10, 2006, 01:00:12 PM
and the new songs!
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Jeff42 on August 10, 2006, 05:02:59 PM
Quote from: OmniPaul on August 10, 2006, 12:23:36 PM
Can somebody upload I've Got Your Melody Under My Fingers and Martinelli's without the apostrophes? It messes up the download.

Edit: And also Red Roses because it cuts off at two minutes.
I re-uploaded the first two, and I think 13_red_roses.m4a is the full version of that song.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: mousestampede on September 18, 2006, 06:57:31 PM
I just uploaded the No Rush Straight Flush and Darkness Into Light myspace demos.  However, I missed out on Barriers...could anyone possibly could up that?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: tis not mike other on September 18, 2006, 09:31:53 PM
Yes I would enjoy to hear it to please. My computer's harddrive fried. So I was without a computer at the time.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: simpleton on September 20, 2006, 12:02:47 AM
i've a very shitty quality mp3 of it, if nobody else has it i'll upload it. but we better find someone else.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: gloom-glaam on September 20, 2006, 02:07:02 PM
howabout you just upload it now, and if somebody else has a better version they upload that one as well.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: simpleton on September 20, 2006, 11:22:35 PM
its up: 02_ozma_-_barriers.mp3
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: gloom-glaam on September 21, 2006, 05:02:42 AM
Thank you
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Jeff42 on September 21, 2006, 07:10:55 AM
Quote from: simpleton on September 20, 2006, 11:22:35 PM
its up: 02_ozma_-_barriers.mp3
Wow, you're right about the quality.  And the stereo effects are gone.  :(  I hope we can get a better version.  Thanks for uploading it, though.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: CT-700 on September 25, 2006, 01:53:48 PM
I uploaded the live demo version of D-Song. Its good quality.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Cheese on September 27, 2006, 02:54:04 PM
This is about the best thing that happened to me in a while.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: CT-700 on September 27, 2006, 04:07:48 PM
My D-Songs file, or the repository in general?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: CT-700 on September 28, 2006, 01:11:18 PM
If someone has any of the old "Commuter Music I: Kick the Tires, Light the Fires" songs they should put them up. Especially "Dominow School" for its Domino Effect and Wake Up melodies, its probably pretty cool. I wonder if the soon too be released disk with the same name thats on Coptic Records is going to be a re-release?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: gloom-glaam on September 28, 2006, 01:30:20 PM
I think I heard somewhere that Dan had planned on re-releasing it sometime in the near future alaong with Contraband, although I could be wrong.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: FireAarro on September 28, 2006, 04:16:27 PM
I hope it's not the same, it's not very good...
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Lando_Calrissian on October 25, 2006, 07:10:33 AM
Quote from: FireAarro on September 28, 2006, 04:16:27 PM
I hope it's not the same, it's not very good...

Some of it is Samuel.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: I like ozma on October 27, 2006, 12:57:04 PM
why isnt "i wonder" in the respitory? can someone please upload it?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: CT-700 on November 22, 2006, 06:42:23 PM
I uploaded the new podcast spoken of in the new myspace blog.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: WhoYouCallinWeez on November 22, 2006, 08:20:29 PM
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: CT-700 on November 23, 2006, 11:15:00 AM
Yeah its a good listen.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Kyosho on November 27, 2006, 10:23:33 PM
Did anyone ever get a good version of Barriers on there?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: I like ozma on November 28, 2006, 08:30:05 AM
i believe not.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: ShortyMac on December 22, 2006, 02:26:03 PM
So, I think someone out there was listening to my prayers. I've been thinking lately that I wanted to find some of OZMA's old unreleased stuff so I could hear it. Every time it popped in to my head, however, there was no computer nearby. Today, it popped in while I was on my laptop! So since I had no idea where I could find any such recordings, I figured the best place to look was on the OZMA fans forum. Lo and Behold, the very first discussion topic was this OZMA repository. I was very happy! to say the least. That is all!
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: gloom-glaam on December 23, 2006, 06:57:37 AM
And just in time for Christmas.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: ShortyMac on December 23, 2006, 11:44:04 AM
CantelopeSKIZ! Haven't seen you since Yes Dear forum went down. I'm so excited that I got this just in time for Christmas!
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: beni on January 10, 2007, 07:36:09 AM
lol hey shorty mac. i know you from the yes dear board too
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: CT-700 on February 15, 2007, 06:31:58 PM
For anyone outside the loop of things:

2/2/01 TX bootleg has been uploaded by Rock Candy.

7/7/06 CA bootleg has been uploaded by me.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: I like ozma on February 16, 2007, 09:15:50 AM
the texas bootleg was on my 13th birthday. woo hoo
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: theozman on February 17, 2007, 08:23:14 PM
oh so you celebrate birthdays. with such a strong comment I would think that you were a pagan.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: I like ozma on February 17, 2007, 09:59:15 PM
i never mentioned the fact of celebrating it, i just brought out the interesting fact that it was on my birthday.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: brad on March 27, 2007, 02:23:53 PM
I found two strange demos of "Come Home Andrea" and "Spending Time" on my comp today.  Uploading to server now.

edit* - both files are up under the file names: ozma - spending time (demo) AND ozma - come home andrea (demo)
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: CT-700 on March 27, 2007, 04:33:29 PM
Awesome, thanks a lot buddy. I haven't listened to them yet, I'll comment on them when I do.

EDIT: Lol at the randomness of the ST demo, with the "Badadadadadumdums" and "make it up as they go" style lyrics. Its like they shout whatever they want at the prechoruses/choruses. I realize this must be a very early demo version, still though its hilarious. The CHA demo is pretty straight forward. I wonder, does anyone else have anymore of these demos?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: brad on March 28, 2007, 07:10:15 PM
Quote from: CT-700 on March 27, 2007, 04:33:29 PMI wonder, does anyone else have anymore of these demos?

I think brummel88 might...
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Kyosho on April 04, 2007, 09:48:24 AM
Ripped and uploaded the new Myspace tracks. Look for Ozma - 4-4-07.

Edit: For some reason they sound like crap now. I swear they didn't before. Hmm.

Edit2: Nevermind. Seems it was my EQ settings on Winamp that made them sound horrible. Turned off my EQ and they sounded just like the ones on Myspace.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: gloom-glaam on April 04, 2007, 01:50:04 PM
Do we really have the right to do this? If Ozma didn't want them to downloaded then shouldn't we respect that? ???

Edit: Finished downloading them, they sound awesome. Thank you
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Kyosho on April 04, 2007, 08:32:26 PM
Quote from: CantelopeSkiz on April 04, 2007, 01:50:04 PM
Do we really have the right to do this? If Ozma didn't want them to downloaded then shouldn't we respect that? ???

Edit: Finished downloading them, they sound awesome. Thank you

Haha, bit hypocritical aren't we? If you can listen to them whenever you want on Myspace, then I don't see the harm in having the file. Especially seeing as the sound quality is pretty bad. Then again I'm an audiophile. Also, it's not like everyone on the planet knows of the file respository. Anyways, if there's a problem, I'm sure antiuser will remove them if requested.

And if the band truly is offended, I apologize.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: gloom-glaam on April 05, 2007, 08:01:58 AM
That's reasonable enough for me.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: brad on April 05, 2007, 08:29:40 AM
i don't think there's any reason they need to be in the file repository.  you guys can't just listen through their myspace and wait 40 more days to have these legally and in better quality?  less than 6 weeks guys.  we're lucky to have 3 tracks from the album posted up.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Jeff42 on April 05, 2007, 11:07:28 AM
My reason is so they scrobble on last.fm when I listen to them.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: funwithsponges on April 06, 2007, 05:44:03 AM
Quote from: brad on April 05, 2007, 08:29:40 AM
i don't think there's any reason they need to be in the file repository.  you guys can't just listen through their myspace and wait 40 more days to have these legally and in better quality?  less than 6 weeks guys.  we're lucky to have 3 tracks from the album posted up.

If a band willfully posts tracks on the internet, I take that as an indication to do what you will with them.  Surely that argument wouldn't stand up in court, but it's 2007.  Bands know by know what happens when you put stuff out on the internet.

Would you be opposed to people downloading them straight from their myspace page?  Is that different?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: brad on April 06, 2007, 05:59:55 AM
Yes that would be different because the band would have made them available for download. 

I don't agree with the ripping of these because we know we are going to get these in little over 5 weeks time.  I agree with the ripping of "Barriers" last September when we didn't know what would become of it.  However in this case we know we'll be getting these songs and that they will be available for sale.  Ozma has spent a long time trying to perfect this album and when we get it, it'll sound that much better.  I just think its a respect thing and don't think its that hard to go to ozmaonline.com or myspace.com/ozma to hear them (which I've must've done over 100 times haha).

Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: simpleton on April 06, 2007, 07:15:40 AM
flat - rate
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Alex on April 06, 2007, 11:41:43 AM
Being in a band and having just finished the master lof some of the songs from an upcoming album, if they're good enough quality to put up on myspace..  That means they want people to hear it.  As much as possible, in any way possible.  This is only giving them more promotion, they'll end up reaching more people, selling more albums, because of this.  They know what they're doing.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: brad on April 06, 2007, 01:39:31 PM
When you rip the songs off of myspace, the files lose quality.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: hipsun on April 06, 2007, 02:01:53 PM
buy the record and all myspace ripping will be forgiven!
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: funwithsponges on April 06, 2007, 04:41:20 PM
Quote from: brad on April 06, 2007, 05:59:55 AM
Yes that would be different because the band would have made them available for download.

Isn't that what happened though?  The band put them on the internet at a website where it is possible to download the tracks.  And now they are up on an Ozma fan message board.  I figure better here than Soulseek or Oink or something, right?

And obviously the quality isn't the issue.  People just wanna hear new shit, even if it is compressed to hell on myspace.

And besides all this discussion, the band knows they say one word, and the songs will be removed.  Rip first and ask questions later.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Not Jason on April 06, 2007, 04:58:16 PM
Well, they didn't make them available for download.  They can only be streamed from the page.  They didn't select the option to let people download the 128k MP3, and therefor, what you're hearing in these rips is probably a rough capture of the stream, which seldom sounds very good (I haven't actually listened to these files though, so maybe I'm wrong).  All ethical issues about stealing music aside, the real problem I see with this is that the songs are being presented in such low quality.  And yeah, they don't sound any worse than they do streaming on myspace, but in the latter context, people know what to expect.  In MP3s, they have a different set of assumptions.  If I worked really hard on a record to make it sound Samuel, and I knew MP3s of it were floating around that made is sound bad, I'd be disappointed.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Kyosho on April 06, 2007, 06:01:00 PM
Quote from: hipsun on April 06, 2007, 02:01:53 PM
buy the record and all myspace ripping will be forgiven!

You crazy? I realize you don't know me, but dude. I'll be buying like 5 copies.

Quote from: Not Jason on April 06, 2007, 04:58:16 PM
Well, they didn't make them available for download.  They can only be streamed from the page.  They didn't select the option to let people download the 128k MP3, and therefor, what you're hearing in these rips is probably a rough capture of the stream, which seldom sounds very good (I haven't actually listened to these files though, so maybe I'm wrong).  All ethical issues about stealing music aside, the real problem I see with this is that the songs are being presented in such low quality.  And yeah, they don't sound any worse than they do streaming on myspace, but in the latter context, people know what to expect.  In MP3s, they have a different set of assumptions.  If I worked really hard on a record to make it sound Samuel, and I knew MP3s of it were floating around that made is sound bad, I'd be disappointed.

Assuming the repository keeps the ID3 tags in tact, there shouldn't be much confusion once the real ones start popping up.

Anyways, guys, I'm really sorry to cause such a big deal. I figured, hey I ripped them myself so I could listen to them without loading myspace, and I thought you guys would appreciate being able to do the same. I know there's other people here who make their own rips as well, and I thought I'd save them the time. Thought I'd do you guys a favor. Next time I'll know better.

antiuser, if you read this, feel free to take them down, if only to stop the drama.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: funwithsponges on April 07, 2007, 12:52:19 AM
Well yeah, myspace doesn't allow you to directly download the same way a site like purevolume does.  But then again, like I mentioned above, it's 2007.  Any song posted on the internet can be downloaded/captured/ripped for file sharing purposes.  The band has to know that.  And if they don't.......well, I don't know.

Kyosho, I don't see what the big deal is.  Ozma's myspace page certainly has to have hits ranging in the thousands per day, I don't really see why you capturing the songs makes a difference.

Jason, them posting it to myspace makes the mp3s sound like shit.  Myspace compresses the hell out of everything, so it's not like actually loading up the whole myspace page vs. downloading them on the file repository is making a whole lot of difference.  They aren't cd quality, and they never will be.  But they are advance tracks, and that's what we wanna hear.  Good for them, good for us.  Now let's all buy a copy come May 15, and make everyone happy.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Not Jason on April 07, 2007, 04:10:54 AM
Quote from: funwithsponges on April 07, 2007, 12:52:19 AM
Jason, them posting it to myspace makes the mp3s sound like shit.  Myspace compresses the hell out of everything, so it's not like actually loading up the whole myspace page vs. downloading them on the file repository is making a whole lot of difference.  They aren't cd quality, and they never will be.  But they are advance tracks, and that's what we wanna hear.  Good for them, good for us.  Now let's all buy a copy come May 15, and make everyone happy.

Yeah, I'm aware of that.  But like I said, when somebody goes to the page to listen, they understand why it sounds like shit.  The MP3 removes the context, which leaves people to make whatever assumption they want, and also, it continues to exist even after the songs are removed from myspace.  I'd feel weird continuing to debate this point too heavily, because I honestly really don't care that much, but I do understand what you're getting at, and I wanted to address that.  I need to stop debating on topics that I'm relatively indifferent about.  It always leaves me in these situations like this where I don't really disagree with you, but I feel like I should be arguing anyway.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Alex on April 07, 2007, 01:05:03 PM
Personally, when people talk about the quality disparity like this, I really can't tell the difference.  Maybe a tiny bit, if I really tried.  But I guarantee I'm not in the minority on this one, most people would agree.  It's just the real audiophiles that have a problem with it.  I'm not saying it's bad if you do, just thought I'd point it out, there's more people that won't really notice anything.

With that said, the myspace tracks sound just fine to me.  I honestly can't tell what more you could ask for.  But that's just me.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Not Jason on April 12, 2007, 08:38:13 PM
Quote from: nagasadow on April 07, 2007, 01:05:03 PM
Personally, when people talk about the quality disparity like this, I really can't tell the difference.  Maybe a tiny bit, if I really tried.  But I guarantee I'm not in the minority on this one, most people would agree.  It's just the real audiophiles that have a problem with it.  I'm not saying it's bad if you do, just thought I'd point it out, there's more people that won't really notice anything.

With that said, the myspace tracks sound just fine to me.  I honestly can't tell what more you could ask for.  But that's just me.

I'll buy that the normal person can't tell the difference between a properly encoded 128kbps MP3 and a CD, but we're talking about a much lower sound quality than even that.  And perhaps the people who give a shit are still technically a minority, but I don't believe that most people couldn't tell the difference.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: I Like Ozma on April 13, 2007, 04:02:01 PM
so are you in essence saying that most people wouldnt be able to tell a ripped mp3 from a cd?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Cade on April 13, 2007, 04:45:27 PM
he's saying someone could tell the difference if you put the two next to each other, but that most people wouldn't care that there was a difference.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: jvstin on April 13, 2007, 11:50:47 PM
Quote from: Not Jason on April 12, 2007, 08:38:13 PM
Quote from: nagasadow on April 07, 2007, 01:05:03 PM
Personally, when people talk about the quality disparity like this, I really can't tell the difference.  Maybe a tiny bit, if I really tried.  But I guarantee I'm not in the minority on this one, most people would agree.  It's just the real audiophiles that have a problem with it.  I'm not saying it's bad if you do, just thought I'd point it out, there's more people that won't really notice anything.

With that said, the myspace tracks sound just fine to me.  I honestly can't tell what more you could ask for.  But that's just me.

I'll buy that the normal person can't tell the difference between a properly encoded 128kbps MP3 and a CD, but we're talking about a much lower sound quality than even that.  And perhaps the people who give a shit are still technically a minority, but I don't believe that most people couldn't tell the difference.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Cade on April 23, 2007, 07:38:40 AM
Does anyone have the Contraband song "Television?"
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Tri$tan on May 03, 2007, 08:53:35 AM
anybody hear anything about the new Ozma album? title? something?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: amish on May 03, 2007, 09:35:09 AM
Quote from: Tristan on May 03, 2007, 08:53:35 AM
anybody hear anything about the new Ozma album? title? something?
Are you saying you don't know the name of it?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: 8600 on May 03, 2007, 10:46:42 AM
Quote from: Joe on May 03, 2007, 09:35:09 AM
Quote from: Tristan on May 03, 2007, 08:53:35 AM
anybody hear anything about the new Ozma album? title? something?
Are you saying you don't know the name of it?

I think he's trying to be funny... and failing.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: brad on May 03, 2007, 05:25:57 PM
Quote from: Cade on April 23, 2007, 07:38:40 AM
Does anyone have the Contraband song "Television?"

Was that also a Contraband song?  Cause I know it was a Gone with the Ghosts song (or wait that was Kenn's song) - it was a whatever that band was called that Brummel was in after Ozma.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Cade on May 03, 2007, 09:25:57 PM
thats what i meant to say
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Ianny on May 07, 2007, 12:34:10 PM
I have them.  I'll try uploading them sometime soonish.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: FireAarro on May 10, 2007, 02:23:11 AM
Quote from: I Like Ozma on April 13, 2007, 04:02:01 PM
so are you in essence saying that most people wouldnt be able to tell a ripped mp3 from a cd?

Jason's saying:
Most people probably couldn't tell a difference between a 128kbps mp3 and CD quality audio
Most people could probably tell a difference between Myspace quality audio and 128kbps mp3

And I agree wholeheartedly, Myspace quality is pretty damn low.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Kyosho on May 10, 2007, 07:41:25 AM
Quote from: FireAarro on May 10, 2007, 02:23:11 AM
Quote from: I Like Ozma on April 13, 2007, 04:02:01 PM
so are you in essence saying that most people wouldnt be able to tell a ripped mp3 from a cd?

Jason's saying:
Most people probably couldn't tell a difference between a 128kbps mp3 and CD quality audio
Most people could probably tell a difference between Myspace quality audio and 128kbps mp3

And I agree wholeheartedly, Myspace quality is pretty damn low.

No worries. I'm pretty sure the issue is dead seeing as people are leaking the entire album to each other now and no one bats an eyelash.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: varnon on May 17, 2007, 05:58:57 PM
I actualy never noticed untill I had my own music on myspace.
The drums sounded like shit (not that they were that good anyway).
I can't tell the difference between MP3 and CD audio though.
My ah... cousin in law (or something like that) only burns his music on DVDs because dislikes the loss in quality of a CD compared to DVDs. He's from a family of musicians. I'm sure I could never tell the difference though.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: hipsun on May 17, 2007, 07:25:43 PM
Quote from: varnon on May 17, 2007, 05:58:57 PM
I actualy never noticed untill I had my own music on myspace.
The drums sounded like shit (not that they were that good anyway).
I can't tell the difference between MP3 and CD audio though.
My ah... cousin in law (or something like that) only burns his music on DVDs because dislikes the loss in quality of a CD compared to DVDs. He's from a family of musicians. I'm sure I could never tell the difference though.

sounds like you're surrounded by geniuses. cds are 16 bit/44.1K samples per second. if he puts those files on a dvd, they are still 16 bit/44.1K samples per second which means they will sound exactly the same. the only possible difference could be the digital to analog converters on the output of a dvd system versus a cd player. since dvd movie audio is almost always compressed in dolby digital, i would assume converters on a dvd player would actually be less precise than a cd player leading to a lower quality sound.

having said all that, i'm sure you just misunderstood something your cousin in law (or something like that) said.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: hipsun on May 17, 2007, 09:13:11 PM
i feel like the repository needs some love.

i just did this mix through my laptop speakers. hopefully it sounds okay.

2007_05_17 hvh acousticish

go check it out.

next... a mix of d-song where you can hear the organ.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Cade on May 17, 2007, 10:03:51 PM
nicely done
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: brad on May 17, 2007, 11:10:03 PM
Quote from: hipsun on May 17, 2007, 09:13:11 PM
i feel like the repository needs some love.

i just did this mix through my laptop speakers. hopefully it sounds okay.

2007_05_17 hvh acousticish

go check it out.

next... a mix of d-song where you can hear the organ.

awesome man, thanks a lot.

one thing though, where did rachel's britney spears-esque line at the end go?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Kyosho on May 17, 2007, 11:12:08 PM
Holy crap! Thank you SO MUCH!  :) :) :)
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: I Like Ozma on May 18, 2007, 03:55:19 PM
i cant find d-song
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Kyosho on May 19, 2007, 10:45:19 PM
I've uploaded best_of_bad_dogs_intros.mp3

You see, while Ozma was broken up, I, like many of you, sought out every bootleg I could find. I soon realized, after listening to them, that the intros to Bad Dogs were awesome. And always different. Most of them didn't have an intro, but those that did were always great. Now, I lost a large portion of my mp3 collection in a hard drive crash a few months back. Which included all the Ozma bootlegs. Well, now that Joe's made that FTP and people have been posting their boots, I've got my Bad Dogs back.  :D

So, I made a little compilation of the three best ones, in my opinion. The last is my favorite. If you crank up the volume, you can hear all these subtleties in that last one that're awesome. Oh, and as with any boots, it helps to have good EQ settings in order for it to sound good. If you use Winamp, I recommend the "Full Bass & Treble" preset. I do apologize for the different audio levels of the three intros. I tried evening them out a bit, but they're each louder or quieter than the others. Oh well.

Oh, and I left all the talking and stuff at the beginning of the first one because it's amusing.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: CT-700 on May 20, 2007, 12:18:37 PM
Wow I never knew there used to be a live intro. What boots are those from?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Kyosho on May 20, 2007, 02:04:45 PM
Let's see. The first one is from "No Future Cafe, January 11, 2002", the second "2003.07.15 Bottom of the Hill, San Francisco" and the third "2003.03.28 Bottom of the Hill, San Francisco".
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: CT-700 on May 20, 2007, 02:42:31 PM
Thanks a lot. Now I have to go download them  :)
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: hipsun on May 27, 2007, 06:07:02 PM
blah blah blah 2007_05_27 d song organ blah blah blah
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Ianny on May 27, 2007, 07:55:46 PM
All five Gone With the Ghosts tracks have been uploaded.  I would love to see Television end up as an Ozma song someday, but it's also great as it is in this form.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Cade on May 27, 2007, 08:10:12 PM
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Kyosho on May 27, 2007, 08:23:09 PM
Quote from: hipsun on May 27, 2007, 06:07:02 PM
blah blah blah 2007_05_27 d song organ blah blah blah

Whoa that's great. The mixing and stuff. I'm a sucker for multiple versions. Any chance of uploading the whole song? Then again, that might be asking a lot. I have no idea how much work goes into it.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Ianny on May 27, 2007, 08:42:56 PM
Quote from: Cade on May 27, 2007, 08:10:12 PM

Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Indoor Fireworks on May 30, 2007, 10:04:24 AM
Added some Brummel compositions.

Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Oatmeal on May 30, 2007, 11:46:23 AM
Thank you.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Kyosho on June 07, 2007, 07:59:10 AM
I'd heard the string quartet one before, but not the others. Variacion easily sounds like it could be score from a movie, which is very cool. And "alleluia for saints" is just awesome.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: danorganplayer on June 13, 2007, 09:41:00 AM
OMG can someone post the FULL D SONG organ mix..ITS INCREDIBLE

Hipsun whoever put this up..U need the full oen ..UGHHH
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: brad on June 13, 2007, 01:31:11 PM
Quote from: danorganplayer on June 13, 2007, 09:41:00 AM
OMG can someone post the FULL D SONG organ mix..ITS INCREDIBLE

Hipsun whoever put this up..U need the full oen ..UGHHH

seems like a little bit of a biased opinion coming from someone named danorganplayer

but yeah, i agree - a full mix would be cool.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: danorganplayer on June 13, 2007, 02:50:40 PM
Lmao...Well brad to be honest i dont play an organ i do play a piano..so Ud think id be fine with the normal version but ive been dying to have the organ induced version for a while now!
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: The Other Mike on June 13, 2007, 04:23:09 PM
Quote from: danorganplayer on June 13, 2007, 02:50:40 PM
Lmao...Well brad to be honest i dont play an organ i do play a piano..so Ud think id be fine with the normal version but ive been dying to have the organ induced version for a while now!

induced is not the word you're looking for there.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: VanSlegr Fan on June 13, 2007, 05:35:04 PM
whats the file name? i dont see it. i only see the partial mix
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: brad on June 13, 2007, 06:24:00 PM
actually hipsun, if you do this -- can you bring out the bass part during the "i bring your name"'s -- not to play producer or anyhting but that bassline is way too low!
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: VanSlegr Fan on June 13, 2007, 07:02:00 PM
o sorry i misread. thought it said that it was up
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: weitzner on June 27, 2007, 09:11:18 AM
is there any way to easily download everything that's on the server?  that would make life a lot easier.  thanks.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on June 29, 2007, 04:07:43 PM
There's a Firefox add-on called DownThemAll (https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/201) that lets you do that. If you use IE you lose at life.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: FireAarro on September 01, 2007, 01:29:21 AM
Does anyone have the rest of the boot these files were from? I'd love to hear it.

Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Kyosho on December 21, 2007, 05:35:04 PM
Uploaded ozma_-_bizarre_love_triangle_(new_order_cover).mp3

See this thread (http://www.ozmafans.com/index.php/topic,2902.msg119702.html).
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: Kyosho on April 12, 2009, 08:20:23 PM
Does anyone have the midi files that I think Daniel made for some of the older Ozma songs? I remember Just Tell Me When, among others. Anyone have these?
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: 8600 on April 24, 2009, 11:29:44 AM
Quote from: antiuser on June 29, 2007, 04:07:43 PM
If you use IE you lose at life.

sidenote:  I don't know why companies like Microsoft and AOL never continued developing their Mac software.  AIM just kinda disappeared after OSX with no official announcement to the best of my knowledge, but Microsoft even stated they were going to stop working on IE updates at the end of 2005... which they did.  Kinda weird, you'd think Mac would be a bigger business for companies like that--especially these days.  I mean, old versions of AIM for OS9 still own the shit out of that fucking iChat garbage (aside from the video chat feature)

FAKE EDIT:  O M F G.  Apparently there IS finally an AIM for Mac.  This is fucking nuts, since I'd occasionally been checking for the past 5 years, and the most recent Mac update was in 2004... I mean, until now.  LOL.  I'm checking this shit out.  LATER D00DZ.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: antiuser on May 17, 2009, 01:49:29 PM
Dude, fuck AIM. Use Adium instead. And all Microsoft products I've used on a Mac suck major balls. The only reason I have MS Word at my work computer is clients still send us Word files. That shit ain't getting anywhere close to my laptop.
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: secret squares on January 25, 2015, 09:41:14 AM
Is there a new password? I lost all my DB & the Contraband :(
Title: Re: Ozma file repository?
Post by: An Astronaut on January 26, 2015, 08:24:12 PM
Quote from: secret squares on January 25, 2015, 09:41:14 AM
Is there a new password? I lost all my DB & the Contraband :(

nope, it's the same password.