You can help pick the ozma songs at the march 12 show!
This is awesome of ozma
Please, try to help and pick some lles popular songs you want to hear, like some of the rarer rare ones. To much of their mostly played stuff is being picked, I mean they have so many good songs it would be nice to hear the more negected good ones.
Why do they put songs like "Iceland" and "rain of the golden gorilla" on the list when we all know they wont play em :'(
not to try and stack the votes, but please please please vote for lorraine.
Quote from: noonchild on January 27, 2006, 03:58:14 PM
Why do they put songs like "Iceland" and "rain of the golden gorilla" on the list when we all know they wont play emÃ, :'(
This is a special occaision show, they could very well for all we know.
Do people not know "Flight of the Bootymechanic" is "Immigration Song" or something? How the hell is Tetris 20% of the world's favorite DDD song. Wtf.
And I'm not trying to get all elitist or anything, but some of the comments made were dumb. Or at least uninformed. OMG PLEASE PLAY EPONINE, SPENDING TIME, TETRIS, AND BATTLESCARS CUZ I BET YOU NEVER PLAY THOSE ONES.
I'm sorry, it's just that I would kill to see Bootymaster live, that's all.
i'm happy for you guys to be able to chose some live songs. but I wanna hear new stuff. not just a d-song.
Yeah, it's like those fuckers that go to shows and yell for the most obvious staples. We should be begging for the old shit and the things that haven't been played for half a decade. Well, people who can go to the show should... it makes no difference to me.
Quote from: funwithsponges on January 27, 2006, 04:50:23 PM
Do people not know "Flight of the Bootymechanic" is "Immigration Song" or something?Ã, How the hell is Tetris 20% of the world's favorite DDD song.Ã, Wtf.
And I'm not trying to get all elitist or anything, but some of the comments made were dumb.Ã, Or at least uninformed.Ã, OMG PLEASE PLAY EPONINE, SPENDING TIME, TETRIS, AND BATTLESCARS CUZ I BET YOU NEVER PLAY THOSE ONES.
I'm sorry, it's just that I would kill to see Bootymaster live, that's all.
Yeah that was bugging me to. Mostly the tetris song, becuase thats not even an orignial ozma songs and they dont sing so it lacks some goodness. They may lower the the greatness this show can amount to. However it will still be great either way.
We need to make an utimate top five and get as many a we can to post it, that way we can insure great five songs, that usually never have a chance to play.
Any suggestions?
Last Dance
Landing Of Yuri Gagarin
maybee replace one with "come home andrea" or "if I only had a heart"
Flight/Landing is a regularly played song. Same with Come Home Andrea, and If I Only Had a Heart.
I like the idea of Last Dance(never heard it live). Again, Bootymaster. Lorraine. I have a sneaking suspicion that if it ends up being the biggest OGM OZMA REUNION SPECIAL SHOW that they are making this out to be, they might play LA just cuz. Iceland would be good to see live.
Pretty much if they played old shit that they never play anymore, everyone would be happy.
Quote from: funwithsponges on January 27, 2006, 05:54:48 PM
Flight/Landing is a regularly played song. Same with Come Home Andrea, and If I Only Had a Heart.
I like the idea of Last Dance(never heard it live). Again, Bootymaster. Lorraine. I have a sneaking suspicion that if it ends up being the biggest OGM OZMA REUNION SPECIAL SHOW that they are making this out to be, they might play LA just cuz. Iceland would be good to see live.
Pretty much if they played old shit that they never play anymore, everyone would be happy.
Yeah, I really like Last Dance that would be cool to hear live and definitly Bootymaster.
Blah. Everyone seemed to vote for the "hits". BLAH.
If Ozma reads this: Please play Golden Gorilla. PLEASE.
i want them to play utsikushii shibuya
Quote from: I like ozma on January 27, 2006, 06:14:35 PM
i want them to play utsikushii shibuya
UtsukushII Shibuya
Normally wouldn't correct but it's like my favorite song and my User name for CS. But yes I would love to hear that live or Ozma live in general becuase I'm an ass and went to a soccer game and missed the show. Someday I will reach my dream.
That ticks me off that Tetris is leading all the votes...
If my amp had wheels
even battlescars acousticlly :)
oh man, I would be THRILLED if they played Los Angeles. KEEP VOTING LA GUYS! :P
Quote from: pivotpictures on January 27, 2006, 08:26:02 PM
That ticks me off that Tetris is leading all the votes...
If my amp had wheels
even battlescars acousticlly :)
yeah that would be awesome if that played some acoustic stuff.
Quote from: srm006 on January 27, 2006, 08:39:10 PM
oh man, I would be THRILLED if they played Los Angeles. KEEP VOTING LA GUYS! :P
They played LA at the El Rey theater right after STOTB came out... Chris Fudurich was there, and was all confused when they started playing it. I guess because he'd never heard it before. It was pretty bitchin', truth be told.
I voted for it.
How about if they thrown in a song from one of their side projects. Daniel's contraband stuff is awesome.
view from the sea
bear the load
hhmm that would be interesting.
Quote from: pivotpictures on January 28, 2006, 12:14:39 AM
How about if they thrown in a song from one of their side projects.Ã, Daniel's contraband stuff is awesome.
view from the sea
bear the load
hhmmÃ, that would be interesting.
Quote from: ozmacity on January 28, 2006, 12:53:44 AM
Quote from: pivotpictures on January 28, 2006, 12:14:39 AM
How about if they thrown in a song from one of their side projects.Ã, Daniel's contraband stuff is awesome.
view from the sea
bear the load
hhmmÃ, that would be interesting.
haha, while I would love to hear those, I think they should pack the reunion show with as much
OZMA as possible.
HAha thanks for the reply.
Daniel's contraband stuff sound like Ozma b-sides or a good way. His new stuff, gons w ghosts and Yes Dear go in a different direction than ozma..
my opinion :P
I don't like Denise with drums, it sounds terrible. I do however, like the acoustic demo of it.
Anyways, I'd say a good top 5 to pick from would be(in no particular order):
-Lorraine (ultimate classic)
-Last Dance (Never heard live, great song)
-Baseball (My personal favorite)
-Iceland (its badass solo thing after the big build-up at 3:07, I swear it's the coolest thing I've ever heard)
-Maybe In An Alternate Dimension (t'would love to hear ryen do that blues thing at the beginning, and daniel do that ridiculous gangster-ish "YEEEYYAHH" that he does in the audible trucks and cars demo, hilarious)
Quote from: pivotpictures on January 28, 2006, 01:04:25 AM
HAha thanks for the reply.
Daniel's contraband stuff sound like Ozma b-sides or a good way.Ã, His new stuff, gons w ghosts and Yes Dear go in a different direction than ozma..
my opinion :P
I like em' too, but
It's not Ozma. This is an Ozma show, I'm going to hear OZMA, not one of them..all of them..Well...I guess not pat, but it's okay, ha.
how many songs do you guys think theyll end up playing
Quote from: I like ozma on January 28, 2006, 09:40:45 AM
how many songs do you guys think theyll end up playing
What do you guys think the set list will end up being for this show?
my stab:
1. Appletrees
2.Come home Andrea
3. Iceland
4. Game Over
5. Turtleneck Cover up
6. Wake up
7. Domino Effect
8. Battlescars
9. Your Name
10. Baseball
encore: Utsukushii Shibuya
I am probably way off but I thought I would try to wing it.
They haven't played Apple Trees recently that I know of, and when they did, it was always a part of Domino Effect. So either Domino Effect wouldn't be 7th, or Apple Trees wouldn't be first.
And honestly, if they play only 10 songs...well Ozma sucks then.
I can't imagine only 10 songs for the reunion show.Ã, Furthermore, I'd definitely expect a rather different set list the second night.Ã, I mean, who is actually going ONLY the first night and not the second just because he or she doesn't want to?Ã, I know the second night will be unique.
I'm going only the first night because I live 500 miles away and have a job.
I mean, in a perfect world I could take off every day they played and drive all over creation, but the days of my being able to do that is severely limited.
In any case, I have never heard Flight of Yuri Gagarin. Landing is constantly played, but never Flight.
I heard Last Dance played one time, following 1988, in San Diego. I also heard Iceland at one of my first Ozma shows, which was like 5 years ago.
I, too, am disappointed with people voting for like, Tetris. It's a great song and all, but I'm hearing them play for reals for the first time in over a year and they are offering to play songs they haven't played since before I even had heard of them (potentially), and most votes go to their 10 most common songs?
I'm only going to the first night cuz it's my spring break and I already have plans(which I'm technically pushing back for the first show).
And um. I love Ozma and everything, but the last time I saw them on back-to-back nights, they played pretty much the same set. The only thing they changed was "Your Name" was the first song of the encore rather than the first song of the entire set the second night. So my point is pretty much that I wouldn't have high hopes for the second show if I were you, and if Ozma is doing what they did the last few times I saw them.
Of course you could argue that this is a special occasion, or that they were nearing their breakup so they were just "going through the motions" then, I don't know. I'm just telling you what I know from the last time I saw Ozma play back-to-back nights.
Quote from: heysarahsarah on January 29, 2006, 12:04:25 AM
I, too, am disappointed with people voting for like, Tetris. It's a great song and all, but I'm hearing them play for reals for the first time in over a year and they are offering to play songs they haven't played since before I even had heard of them (potentially), and most votes go to their 10 most common songs?
The polls ask for your "favorite" song from each album, so why wouldn't their most popular songs be getting the most votes?
From what I heard from the band, the second show will be different. Not sure if 100% but substantially different. Furthermore they will try to play at least 3 new songs. They have 7 new songs but no time to play all. Sorry not much details to support.
how do you know how many new songs they have?
as long as they play maybe in an alternate dimension im fine (but i dont think they are going to)
Jose told me. FYI as of today, their new drummer already knows 18 of their old songs. Unfortunately they can't play all 18 in one day.
are any yes dear songs any of them?
I personally could do without Battlescars... I'm over it... there used to be a time when that song live gave me goosebumps, but now, I find myself heading to the bar for a beer instead... it eats up too much of their set time... instead they could totally do two songs in the same time it would take to play Battlescars.
I'm hoping they play Los Angeles... its' always fun to bark like a dog at a concert!
Quote from: I like ozma on January 29, 2006, 01:18:36 PM
are any yes dear songs any of them?
Dude....come on. I am not driving 500 miles to hear them play Yes Dear. I don't even care if you are kidding.
Quote from: heysarahsarah on January 29, 2006, 12:04:25 AM
In any case, I have never heard Flight of Yuri Gagarin.Ã, Landing is constantly played, but never Flight.
First of all, that's acoustic, with dan and ryen singing the astronaut/cosmonaut thing, and the rest is the russian thing, with the news chick in the background. They might be able to pull that off, but I don't think it would be too pleasant..and then to try and lead into No One Needs to Know?, unlikely.
Quote from: rbg916 on January 29, 2006, 09:58:47 AM
From what I heard from the band, the second show will be different. Not sure if 100% but substantially different. Furthermore they will try to play at least 3 new songs. They have 7 new songs but no time to play all. Sorry not much details to support.
And who are
you to be boasting such news?
QuoteFurthermore they will try to play at least 3 new songs. They have 7 new songs but no time to play all.
Is this in reference to both shows, or just the second one?
Quote from: ozmacity on January 30, 2006, 12:59:38 AM
Quote from: heysarahsarah on January 29, 2006, 12:04:25 AM
In any case, I have never heard Flight of Yuri Gagarin. Landing is constantly played, but never Flight.
First of all, that's acoustic, with dan and ryen singing the astronaut/cosmonaut thing, and the rest is the russian thing, with the news chick in the background. They might be able to pull that off, but I don't think it would be too pleasant..and then to try and lead into No One Needs to Know?, unlikely
I didn't say they
should do it, just it was one of the few Ozma songs I had never seen done.
Quote from: heysarahsarah on January 30, 2006, 05:36:47 PM
I didn't say they should do it, just it was one of the few Ozma songs I had never seen done.
Oh okay.
It would be cool though, if they could pull it off, ha.
stupid myspace.
saying you've never seen "flight of yuri gagarin" live is as ridiculous as saying you've never seen "revolution no. 9" live.
A little(I mean alot) of exaggeration I see. I mean they actually sing in "flight of yuri gagarin". The russian chick and marching sounds would be the difficult part, but hey they have key board stuff.
how can you not be sick of domino effect and gameover :-\
What's all this "It would be hard to pull off flight of yuri gagarin"? I didn't think the women talking in the background and the marching sounds were absolutly nessecary to the song.
they can march while they are on stage
Quote from: noonchild on January 31, 2006, 03:05:25 PM
What's all this "It would be hard to pull off flight of yuri gagarin"?Ã, I didn't think the women talking in the background and the marching sounds were absolutly nessecary to the song.
They're not, but it wouldn't be the same without.
I mean I guess they could do the astronaut/cosmonaut thing, and then that's it.. that'd be nice, but still semi-lacking. I guess it'd need a nice lead-in, hm...maybe........No One Needs To Know, perhaps? :P
Quote from: I like ozma on January 31, 2006, 09:29:48 PM
they can march while they are on stage
Hahahahahahahahaha. That would be so gay.
I'd pay double admission to see that. And triple to make Pat come, and see him do it as well.
Quote from: ozmacity on February 01, 2006, 12:53:30 AM
Quote from: I like ozma on January 31, 2006, 09:29:48 PM
they can march while they are on stage
Hahahahahahahahaha. That would be so funny.
I'd pay double admission to see that. And triple to make Pat come, and see him do it as well.
hahaha, i dont think the stage would be able to handle all that
There's like 4 percent chance I'm going to the show, but everyone please vote for Lorraine.
Quote from: Bullies to go on February 01, 2006, 03:21:12 PM
There's likeÃ, 4 percent chance I'm going to the show, but everyone please vote for Lorraine.
mom votes for Lorraine
But seriously..I think I voted for Lorraine.
Quote from: Bullies to go on February 01, 2006, 03:21:12 PM
There's likeÃ, 4 percent chance I'm going to the show, but everyone please vote for Lorraine.
please come :-[
did your mom really vote?
Quote from: heysarahsarah on January 29, 2006, 04:54:58 PM
Quote from: I like ozma on January 29, 2006, 01:18:36 PM
are any yes dear songs any of them?
Dude....come on.Ã, I am not driving 500 miles to hear them play Yes Dear.Ã, I don't even care if you are kidding.
then dont drive.
immigration song, lorraine, rain of the golden gorilla (acoustic or studio version) and gameover acoustic would be my votes.
This makes me puke. The one time ozma will do a setlist that';s up to the fans, and all the fans are a bunch of noobs.
oh well. it's not like i'm gonne be there. tough break, Heebs. there's always fubu.
Quote from: Rome on February 02, 2006, 07:08:40 PM
immigration song, lorraine, rain of the golden gorilla (acoustic or studio version) and gameover acoustic would be my votes.
This makes me puke. The one time ozma will do a setlist that';s up to the fans, and all the fans are a bunch of noobs.
oh well. it's not like i'm gonne be there. tough break, Heebs. there's always fubu.
Oh yeah..I forgot about immigration song. Nice.
And I'd also say Continental Drift..Daniel has a lotta power in that song..and I know they played it at their Irregardless show..but hey I wasn't there, so I'd like to hear it.
I'd just like to point out that Flight is little more than a condensed version of You Know the Story/Landing. I think it was pretty much designed to be an album song, not a live song, and there isn't really any melodic or lyrical content that isn't found in the other two songs.
It could be played live, I just don't think there is much of a point to it, especially in a typical show. If they played an acoustic set somewhere, possibly.
Quote from: I like ozma on February 01, 2006, 10:59:28 AM
hahaha, i dont think the stage would be able to handle all pat
iceland baby
and bootymaster
not that i'm going
Quote from: Not Jason on February 03, 2006, 10:59:57 PM
I'd just like to point out that Flight is little more than a condensed version of You Know the Story/Landing.Ã, I think it was pretty much designed to be an album song, not a live song, and there isn't really any melodic or lyrical content that isn't found in the other two songs.
It could be played live, I just don't think there is much of a point to it, especially in a typical show.Ã, If they played an acoustic set somewhere, possibly.
they did play flight at the ddd release show at no future cafe. I thought it sounded pretty good
I think it could be easeily pulled off live and it would have been cool to hear them play through the whole album in sequence.
Quote from: sandbaby on February 04, 2006, 12:04:11 PM
I think it could be easeily pulled off live and it would have been cool to hear them play through the whole album in sequence.
They should have shows for specific albums..Like one night..DDD in night RRP3 in sequence.
All the way back to cautro and ocho...
Wait..nevermind, that stuff sucks..haha I mean its nice to know their roots..but's not good.
i wouldnt say its not "good" but i would say its not "as" good
Well, I did a tally, and so far the most voted songs are:
2.Game over
Other songs with a good amount of votes:
Flight of the booty master
Domino Effect
Apple trees
Lorraine also has a decent amount of votes.
Quote from: noonchild on February 05, 2006, 11:02:41 PM
Well, I did a tally, and so far the most voted songs are:
2.Game over
Other songs with a good amount of votes:
Flight of the booty master
Domino Effect
Apple trees
Lorraine also has a decent amount of votes.
Fuck "Restart"
It's good, but it's not
that great.
Quote from: I like ozma on February 02, 2006, 05:48:23 PM
Quote from: heysarahsarah on January 29, 2006, 04:54:58 PM
Quote from: I like ozma on January 29, 2006, 01:18:36 PM
are any yes dear songs any of them?
Dude....come on. I am not driving 500 miles to hear them play Yes Dear. I don't even care if you are kidding.
then dont drive.
wtf dude?
I don't are saying a fan shouldnt drive a long distance to see them play their own songs?
They should cover an Acute song. Or at least play some fucking "Curve in the old 1-9". Fuck yeah.