Wow suprised Pasedena hasn't leaked yet.

Started by ActionExplosion, April 28, 2007, 09:48:24 AM

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Wow suprised Pasadena hasn't leaked yet this thread has gotten to two pages already. Its ridiculous.

Its going to leak eventually so stop complaining about it, because its not going to leak here.

The Other Mike

You don't deserve shit.  If it leaks, great, but nobody owes you anything.  Spoiled internet brats.
blackjack1084 (11:02:36 PM): eat my ass
blackjack1084 (11:02:38 PM): and get a life


i don't have it and i say you all should wait.


Stop asking for it. As mentioned, I cannot prevent it from being leaked, but I will prevent beggars and whiners from posting on this forum. This is not the place.



Barriers reminds me of Yes Dear as well.. but that shouldn't be a negative thing. I still pop in the Yes Dear cd in my car once in a while. It's neat.

Not Jason

Well, I just can't imagine being so uptight about a normal easy to replace album.  I'm not throwing my copies of trucks and cars around carelessly, but if I happen to damage my normal copy of spending time, i'm not going to freak out, or even replace it probably.  I take pretty good care of my CDs, but I can't imagine not even playing a copy of a normal easily replaced record for fear of damage, that's just absurd.
You and I were the extremities
I am the baseball.


So, is it just me, or is everyone getting a little upset over nothing? I havn't really seen anyone begging for the album. I havn't seen anyone asking anyone else to share it. Maybe I read this thread to fast.

edit* well besides the D song comment. Which I agree. I wouldn't mind listening to it right now, if I could. IM NOT ASKING JUST MAKING A STATEMENT. THINKING OUT LOUD. FUCK.

The Argyle Rebellion

I do like collecting stuff... my room is pretty much a collection of music related stuff... except nothing is signed yet.

The whole reason I want two copies of Pasadena is so I can have the one signed one as a collectible thing... the other is for playing.

Perhaps I should have phrased myself differently earlier... I have two or three copies of every album that Ozma has put out, although I'm still pretty much looking for the Tornado releases.  And the whole reason behind having three copies of each is that I've worn out so many CDs from playing them so much.

I don't know... I'm totally sorry if I sound weird.  Trust me, I'm pretty normal, it's just I get pretty fanatical when it comes to music and it's even worse when it's one of my three favorite bands (which, listed in order, is Ozma, Weezer, and the Beach Boys).

So, to move on to bigger and brighter things, who all is going to Rhino on the 15th... I'll probably be there with my dad (who is also an Ozma fan as well; go figure, he's 50 and I'm 21 and yet we both listen to about the same music).


Fantastic Max

Quote from: The Argyle Rebellion on May 03, 2007, 11:33:51 PM
I do like collecting stuff... my room is pretty much a collection of music related stuff... except nothing is signed yet.

The whole reason I want two copies of Pasadena is so I can have the one signed one as a collectible thing... the other is for playing.

Perhaps I should have phrased myself differently earlier... I have two or three copies of every album that Ozma has put out, although I'm still pretty much looking for the Tornado releases.  And the whole reason behind having three copies of each is that I've worn out so many CDs from playing them so much.

I don't know... I'm totally sorry if I sound weird.  Trust me, I'm pretty normal, it's just I get pretty fanatical when it comes to music and it's even worse when it's one of my three favorite bands (which, listed in order, is Ozma, Weezer, and the Beach Boys).

So, to move on to bigger and brighter things, who all is going to Rhino on the 15th... I'll probably be there with my dad (who is also an Ozma fan as well; go figure, he's 50 and I'm 21 and yet we both listen to about the same music).


Funny those are decals on my back windshield.
"Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a pizza in my mouth."
-Donkey Lips


Quote from: Rome on May 03, 2007, 11:33:11 PM
So, is it just me, or is everyone getting a little upset over nothing? I havn't really seen anyone begging for the album. I havn't seen anyone asking anyone else to share it. Maybe I read this thread to fast.

edit* well besides the D song comment. Which I agree. I wouldn't mind listening to it right now, if I could. IM NOT ASKING JUST MAKING A STATEMENT. THINKING OUT LOUD. FUCK.
Most of the posts have been removed. There are a couple of newer members in particular.

When STOTBL came around I bought 3 copies. One I was giving to Ann, one for safe keeping, and one I was going to try and get signed. I'm too much of a wimp to go up to them and ask, so the signing part never happened. Ah well. One copy of Pasaedna for me this time.


Quote from: Joe on May 04, 2007, 03:46:41 AM
one I was going to try and get signed. I'm too much of a wimp to go up to them and ask, so the signing part never happened.

just try putting yourself in their shoes, dude. i had a person asked me to sign a drawing they did of me while i was on stage once, i felt very flattered that he came up to talk to me rather than annoyed, like how one thinks someone is going to be when you go up to them. they're human too, joe. :)

Martha Gail

Haha, they'll either be flattered or they'll mutter under their breath about fat kids in weezer shirts and cargo pants.  It's a true story.
That's Cobra on Cobra action.


**mod post***

Seriously guys, mentioning places people can download it is the same thing as saying "contact me for the album".  Keep this all off board, thanks.

All posts requesting the album, announcing distribution of the album, or linking/explaining where to download the album will be deleted. 

Thanks <333
Bob511i: But SARAH is my <3

No day but today.

The Other Mike

Keep in mind that many of the posts are referencing deleted posts in which idiots whined and demanded the new album.

I think leaks are fine, but in no way does anyone deserve an advance copy of the album.
blackjack1084 (11:02:36 PM): eat my ass
blackjack1084 (11:02:38 PM): and get a life


The Argyle Rebellion

I'll admit that I downloaded the leaked version... I caved.

Either way, I will definitely be buying the two copies I mentioned earlier.  And also, I will not give the link out... I found it myself and had to jump through hoops to get it, so I hope that anyone wanting the album will do the same or wait it out until May 15th.  Just know that I ain't telling how I got it and where to get it from.  That ain't right.

The way I figure it, I downloaded the leak and that's cool, whatever, but I will definitely not defy the law of the forum and tell someone else where to get it... I enjoy this forum too much to do that.



What is this "caved" business?  I don't understand why downloading a leaked album is akin to breaking your lent sacrifice, or pre-marital sex, or whatever other sin people are comparing it to.

The Other Mike said (perhaps in another thread) that this is 2007; there's almost no reason to buy an album without listening to it beforehand.  If you were planning on buying two copies, and you still are planning on buying two copies, who are you hurting?

I Like Ozma

im just afraid im not going to be able to find it in any stores around my house on may 15th
Quote from: Elliott on December 09, 2006, 03:02:12 PM
Good point, too bad theyre gonna criticize you now.


Quote from: Joe on May 04, 2007, 03:46:41 AM
Most of the posts have been removed. There are a couple of newer members in particular.
Quote from: heysarahsarah on May 04, 2007, 04:37:56 PM
All posts requesting the album, announcing distribution of the album, or linking/explaining where to download the album will be deleted. 
Quote from: The Other Mike on May 06, 2007, 07:51:19 AM
Keep in mind that many of the posts are referencing deleted posts in which idiots whined and demanded the new album.
I think leaks are fine, but in no way does anyone deserve an advance copy of the album.

I understand now. Thanks guys!

and yeah I agree with you pat.
Sometimes, though, it is nice just to put the cd into your car right when you buy it and that being your very first listen. I guess it's more of the entire experience that matters to people. Maybe that's what argyle meant.


Well, I was kinda like that.  I remember I downloaded STOTB early, but I didn't listen to it until after midnight on the day it was released (so technically I heard it before I could buy it, cuz it's not like stores were open then, but still).  And it was kind of a cute idea, but what did it get me?  Nothing.  I listened to it, liked it, bought the album, saw Ozma live a bunch of times, nothing changed.

So yeah I understand where you're coming from (even though I don't even think you're talking about yourself, Rome), but I just don't think that there is the same ritual (or even just experience) of listening to a new album in this day and age.


Quote from: funwithsponges on May 06, 2007, 09:07:58 PM
Well, I was kinda like that.  I remember I downloaded STOTB early, but I didn't listen to it until after midnight on the day it was released (so technically I heard it before I could buy it, cuz it's not like stores were open then, but still).  And it was kind of a cute idea, but what did it get me?  Nothing.  I listened to it, liked it, bought the album, saw Ozma live a bunch of times, nothing changed.

So yeah I understand where you're coming from (even though I don't even think you're talking about yourself, Rome), but I just don't think that there is the same ritual (or even just experience) of listening to a new album in this day and age.

The only band I would still "hold out" for is Weezer. And that's just because deep down inside, I still hope for something great.


Quote from: Rome on May 07, 2007, 08:31:09 AM
Quote from: funwithsponges on May 06, 2007, 09:07:58 PM
Well, I was kinda like that.  I remember I downloaded STOTB early, but I didn't listen to it until after midnight on the day it was released (so technically I heard it before I could buy it, cuz it's not like stores were open then, but still).  And it was kind of a cute idea, but what did it get me?  Nothing.  I listened to it, liked it, bought the album, saw Ozma live a bunch of times, nothing changed.

So yeah I understand where you're coming from (even though I don't even think you're talking about yourself, Rome), but I just don't think that there is the same ritual (or even just experience) of listening to a new album in this day and age.

The only band I would still "hold out" for is Weezer. And that's just because deep down inside, I still hope for something great.
which will probably never happen.
I'm like you, though, I would love a great new weezer album.

The Other Mike

Quote from: Rome on May 07, 2007, 08:31:09 AM
Quote from: funwithsponges on May 06, 2007, 09:07:58 PM
Well, I was kinda like that.  I remember I downloaded STOTB early, but I didn't listen to it until after midnight on the day it was released (so technically I heard it before I could buy it, cuz it's not like stores were open then, but still).  And it was kind of a cute idea, but what did it get me?  Nothing.  I listened to it, liked it, bought the album, saw Ozma live a bunch of times, nothing changed.

So yeah I understand where you're coming from (even though I don't even think you're talking about yourself, Rome), but I just don't think that there is the same ritual (or even just experience) of listening to a new album in this day and age.

The only band I would still "hold out" for is Weezer. And that's just because deep down inside, I still hope for something great.

Oh wow... are you real?  I thought they had all died off!  Can I touch you?
blackjack1084 (11:02:36 PM): eat my ass
blackjack1084 (11:02:38 PM): and get a life


i'm not catching your drift...

im uh... im not picking up what you're putting down.


The Argyle Rebellion

About Weezer...

Rivers is still capable of writing great songs... it's just a matter of laziness.


I think it's more the fact that Rivers is such a neurotic weirdo. He needs to stop giving a fuck about what people think of his albums and just write.


i think it is more of the fact that we've built up blue and pinkerton so much that nothing will ever top it.

edit*** haha isn't it funny how this is now a weezer discussion?

Not Jason

No, honestly, I think Tom hit this nail squarely on the head.

Back to Ozma, I still haven't heard the full record yet.  I've got a handful of songs, but I've yet to hear the completed product, in sequence.
You and I were the extremities
I am the baseball.

I Like Ozma

ozma has their entire album on their myspace so that you can listen to it in order.
Quote from: Elliott on December 09, 2006, 03:02:12 PM
Good point, too bad theyre gonna criticize you now.